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sobota, 12 maja 2012

Ciężar narodu (film dokumentalny)

Ciężar narodu (The weight of the Nation) - film dokumentalny na temat problemu otyłości w USA. CZĘŚĆ 1: KONSEKWENCJE (w j.angielskim)

To have a healthy heart:
  1. don’t smoke;
  2. maintain a healthy weight;
  3. engage in regular physical activity;
  4. eat a healthy diet;
  5. manage blood pressure;
  6. take charge of cholesterol; and
  7. keep blood sugar, or glucose, at healthy levels.


1) Start with small steps
2) The goals have to be REALISTIC!
3) Seek support from those who can relate to your struggle
4) Keep portions under control
5) Keep track of your caloric intake at the beginning
6) Plan and structure your meals
7) Physical activity part of your life

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